Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Random rant: There is no sense of personal space here. I had a family of 4, surround me in a 4 seat section in the train. There were places all over the train for the 4 of them to sit but they chose to trap in between them. 3 of them sat down and they moved the stroller across the isle so I couldn't get out even if I wanted to. It is that sort of thing that drives me nuts! I don't even have room to freaking leave if I wanted to! I would have had to climb all over them if I wanted out. Lucky for me they got off the train before I did so we didn't have to go through that hassle.
Also, when people beg here, they don't beg politely like in America. In America, bums just have a sign and sit on the ground and wait for money. Nobody comes up to you in your face shoves their hand into your chest and gives you this long drawn out sob story. The worst is when they shove their crying baby at you. Little do they know that crying babies are not the way to get to my heart!!
And, last but not least, at the Sacre Coeur, there are lines of black men blocking the entrances to the steps that lead up to the church. You must cross them to get to where you want to go. And when you do, they let you through but not without first literally grabbing your arm and trying to force some stupid string on your finger so they can make a dumb bracelet for you. When the guy grabbed me by the arm today, I almost turned to hit him. Then I thought better of it because he was about a 6 foot black man with a team of friends around him. But, seriously, what makes you think it is ok to freaking touch me! DON'T TOUCH ME IF I DON'T FREAKING KNOW YOU!! I am sick of it.

1 comment:

kellykim said...

This is so hilarious. I Mrs. Cullum just read it. She feels the same way. Have a good day.