Friday, October 26, 2007


I knew that life in France would not just be all trips to the Louvre, evening dinner parties, wine and baguettes. Yet, that is really all you can think about when getting ready for the experience. You just look forward to those great experiences. You don't lay in bed at night and think about the the headaches of the French bureaucracy or how to call, in French, and ask to change appointments that are necessary to ensure your stay in France. I wasn't just hoping that I would have to go to several banks before I found one that take me on as a client.
These things are, as you might imagine, becoming a reality. Real life in France is setting in. And, my nervous and anxious tendencies had begun to take over. I was having trouble sleeping knowing all the places and papers I needed to have ready to make my stay official in France. Plus, I also had to cancel a tutoring session because I had forgotten that one of my coworkers had planned a party for me that evening. On top of all that, I was really excited that I was going to be able to go to Ireland at the end of week. A trip to Ireland is more than just a vacation. It is the first time that I will be leaving my new home in France to travel to another country. I am going to be there for 10 days, which is great, but I have to plan 10 days worth of things to do. Plus, like my most of my time here, I will be spending it alone. This is wonderful for day hikes in the mountains and being to act on your every whim but of course there are drawbacks to it to.
To make matters worse, I have a recurring mold problem on the back wall of my room. I don't have proper ventilation for my shower, so my room is extremely humid. In order to relieve some of that, I have to open a window. Not only are the highs here only 50 degrees, but I have lady bugs all over my windows so when I open them I get about 20 lady bugs buzzing around my room. It is a choice now, lady bugs or mold. I think I have a handle on the problem as of today because I cleaned my entire room with bleach and a magic eraser. Plus, I bought a dehumidifier. My mom should also be bringing me something for my ladybug problem.
All that to say, reality is setting in and holidays are over. This is a wonderful opportunity and I am glad I am taking it. I know these hardships are worth the experience but that only slightly makes them easier to work through. Plus, I have a lesson tomorrow for the first time with the smartest kids in school, I think I am prepared but how should I know I have never been a teacher!

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